Sunday, November 14, 2010


Here are some photos from my Brazil shoot. Reading a great book loaned to me by my friend, Cameraman James Aquila. It's The Volcano Lover by Susan Sontag.
Here's a quote, "
To travel is to shop. To travel is to loot. No one who came here left without a collection of some sort. Naples made amateur collectors of everyone. It made a collector even of the Marquis de Sade, who, fleeing arrest in France, had arrived eleven years earlier under a pseudonym - although his false identity was unmasked by the French envoy, and he had tosubmit to being presented at the Neapolitan court under his true, already infamous name. When Sade left the city five months later to return to France, he sent ahead two huge chests filled with antiques and curiosities."
Talk about extra carry-on!

Friday, November 5, 2010

Brazil Bound

At long last, I have a visa for Brazil and am off this evening to Sao Paulo and then Brazilia for a story about Rio Novo gold. This photo is actually from a wonderful shoot in Haida Gwaii just this September with ARD German Television.  Watch for that upcoming documentary to be aired in December throughout Europe.
This is a busy travel month for tvguy - five continents in November.